With the task of adding clarity to the water market, we have been working to simplify the complex sector of Australian Water Trading for users.
With the task of adding clarity to the water market, we have been working to simplify the complex sector of Australian Water Trading for users.
Waterflow is Australia’s first and only independent and free-to-use large-scale aggregator of water trading data for the Murray Darling basin and Australia. An initiative of Marsden Jacob, and funded through the Australian government’s BRII initiative, Waterflow gives water users clarity on all key aspects of the market; including pricing, dam storage levels, trade limits and available allocations.
The Waterflow Project presented three significant challenges:
The data collection challenge was solved by developing a multi-phase data pipeline allowing systematic scraping, importing and cleaning of trade data. This pipeline approach also allowed us to quickly add new suppliers.
Data cleaning was tackled in two ways. First, we use statistical models to exclude extreme outliers. We then present a tailored interface to allow a Marsden Jacob expert to manually remove any remaining questionable data in just a few minutes per day.
The usability of the platform was a key focus from the outset. Our User Experience (UX) specialist worked closely with Marsden Jacob staff and conducted a series of user interviews. This feedback informed all aspects of the build, including the development of two “low data” native mobile apps for remote farmers.
Waterflow.io was launched to broad praise by the industry, with over 1000 water market participants now using the platform. And, we regularly receive requests from brokers volunteering their data to the platform, consolidating its position as the nation’s largest aggregator of both real time and historic water market data. The applications have also been recognised by the ACCC for contributing to greater industry transparency.
Building the platform with Alliance Software has been a wonderful partnership.
They took the time to really understand water markets, and Ben and his team brought much more than just excellent technical skills.
They’ve truly helped shape the product and always push us to keep a strong focus on serving our customers.
Implementing a quality software solution starts with a chat. Call us on 03 9955 7000 or leave your details and we’ll be in contact shortly.
We won’t share your information with anyone.