bookitLive is a fully featured booking platform used by both small businesses and corporate customers. They came to us in need of support and development. In addition to software development, we recently collaborated to rebrand their platform.

The Challenge

bookitLive rebranded from the inside out. This meant an update to the booking platform first, prior to tackling their promotional website. We undertook a visual overhaul of their sophisticated booking, appointment reminder and scheduling features, considering both desktop and mobile users.

Our Approach

Over a 4-month period the bookitLive web application interface was upgraded to latest web standards. With the design of the website marketing pages complete, the Alliance software team then built out the new pages and developed new interfaces between the new promotional website and the booking platform.

The Results

The finished result delivers the vision from Dig + Fish along with the sleek design of The Natives. bookitLive has used Alliance Software to build and maintain their online booking web application for the past 6 years.

Alliance software was the key to the success of the project as they were able to work with all the other businesses involved and have the expertise to build the design vision and integrate the web application to create a seamless solution.

David Godbold – bookitLive

100+ industries served
2.7M bookings made
83M client revenue

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